When you are ready to head out and meet your latest date, you can switch back to your mobile device without any extra work. Since it is the same Grindr account, everything you do on Bluestacks will always be saved for when you hop on your phone or tablet.
Complete Google sign-in to access the Play Store, or do it later. Complete Google sign-in if you skipped step 2 to install Grindr app. Installing Grindr on PC is much easier than finding a good man is. Just watch the video above for all the details and instructions.
After that, it is pretty much an automatic process. Simply answer a couple questions and sign into Google for complete access to the Google Play store and all of its apps. As soon as you start checking out the men on Grindr, you will see the difference dating bigger makes. The larger screen gives you a better chance to really see what your match looks like.
Stop being surprised when you show up for coffee. Giving users the accessibility to find their ideal partner based on position, ethnicity, distance, height and weight helps users devote more time to interacting with their ideal person, as opposed to blocking users for being outside these margins.
Also, showing users that are local as opposed to longer distance can draw more users to engage with the app and fulfill the pursuit of finding their person of interest. Alas, the filter setting should converge with other corresponding users. For instance, if a user is looking for someone within a set age range, then anyone outside of that age range should not be able to see that user from their account, unless they are within the age range.
If these modifications were made on the non-premium version of Grindr, more users especially of the younger audience would be inclined to used Grindr. Hi there, Thank you very much for the thoughtful review! Many of the things you have suggested have been talked about internally as ways to improve the app. We have heard feedback from users like yourself that want to be able to better connect with users that are of interest to them. One of the things we are currently working on is a re-imagined version of tags.
In the upcoming version, there will be more tags, they will be searchable, and we will actively be listening to feedback so that we can add more tags as our users play with them. We want to continue to help create connections for our community and we're excited for you to see what we have planned!
We hope to eventually earn a 5-star review from you! I have been using this app for several years for what this app is used for. Then on the day I decide to purchase a one month membership to get the Xtra features I was banned without notice. I thought it to be a technical glitch so I reached out to the support for them and asked for reasons on the ban and they said all I have todo is appeal the ban.
I went a week without word back, and reached out again and again. The only thing they said why I was banned was because of community guidelines. This is a horrible app, if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. And they are no help in trying to rectify the situation.
The language that they used in there correspondence with me makes me feel like I am a bad person, and being punished for something that never happened. I have been warned about random people getting banned for no reason then get excommunicated for absolutely no reason. Shame on the company Grindr, Inc.
Hi there, We do not ban users for no reason. It would be counter-productive for us to do. We are happy to take a final look at your account to ensure we did not make an error. Please reach out to us at hello grindr. They send their location and their address. This account stayed up for 6 days before being taken down!!! Someone needs to be taking the owners of grindr to court for this stuff!!
At all.